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JP Lewis • Publications

Short Papers and Abstracts
  • Roberts et al., Piku Piku Interpolation: An artist-guided sampling algorithm for synthesizing detail applied to facial animation SIGGRAPH Asia '19 (short paper)

  • Nghiem et al., Saliency Diagrams: A tool for analyzing animation through the relative importance of keyposes SIGGRAPH Asia '19 (short paper)

  • Lewis, Yeh, Migalska, Johnson, West, Exploring the definition of art through deep net visualization, NIPS IEVDL 2017.

  • Ma, Lewis, Frean, Balduzzi Back To RGB: Deep Articulated Hand Pose Estimation From a Single Camera Image , Image Vision Computing

  • Dean, Lewis, Non-local Pose Means for Denoising Motion Capture Data, Image Vision Computing (preprint) (video)

  • Patrikeev, Lewis, Texture-aware Edit Propagation using Nonparametric Regression, Image Vision Computing 2015.

  • Cetinaslan, Orvalho, Lewis, Sketch-Based Controllers for Blendshape Facial Animation, Eurographics} 2015.

  • Calude, Coull, Lewis, Can We Solve the Pipeline Problem? ACM Digipro 2014 (preprint)

  • Seol, Lewis, Tuning Facial Animation in a Mocap Pipeline, ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Talk

  • Seo, Lewis, Developing Interactive Facial Rigs in Production Environment, ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Talk

  • Anjyo, Todo, Lewis, A Practical Approach to Direct Manipulation Blendshapes, Journal of Graphics Tools 16, 3, 2012
  • Lewis, Dragosavac, Stable and Efficient Differential IK, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2010

  • G. Stanley, M. J. Black, J.P. Lewis, G. Desbordes, J. Jin, J.-M. Alonso, Population coding of ground truth motion in natural scenes in the early visual system, COSYNE, 2009.

  • Lewis, Anjyo, Identifying Salient Points, SIGGRAPH Asia 2009.

  • Lewis, Anjyo, Extracting Higher-Level Information From Facial Mocap, SIGGRAPH 2008.

  • Rhee, Lewis, Neumann, Nayak, Creating an Animatable 3D Volume Hand Model from In Vivo MRI, MMVR16 2008.

  • West, Margolis, Mostafavi, Lewis, Gossmann, Hackbarth, Horn, Fernald, Schulze, Li, Henthorn, Yamada, Singh, Chheng, Cassey, Lien, ATLAS in silico, ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Art Gallery, (Invited exhibition / Interactive installation)

  • Lewis, Fox, Deng, A Methodology for Mapping the Mental Space of Game Genres, ACM Sandbox Video Game Symposium 2006.

  • West, Burke, Mendelowitz, Lewis, Kerfeld, ACTG to Calligraphy: Genetic Visualization for Ecce Homology, Infovis 06 poster.

  • Z. Mo, J.P.Lewis, and U. Neumann, Improved Automatic Caricature by Feature Normalization and Exaggeration, SIGGRAPH 2004 Sketches and Applications.

  • West, Burke, Kerfeld, Mendelowitz, Holton, Lewis, Drucker, Yan, Ecce Homology, Siggraph 2004 Design Sketch.

  • Realistic Human Face Rendering for "The Matrix Reloaded", George Borshukov and J.P.Lewis, SIGGRAPH-2003 Sketches and Applications Program, San Diego, CA: ACM SIGGRAPH, July (2003).

  • Universal Capture - Image-based Facial Animation for "The Matrix Reloaded", George Borshukov, Dan Piponi, Oystein Larsen, J.P.Lewis, Christina Tempelaar-Lietz, SIGGRAPH-2003 Sketches and Applications Program, San Diego, CA: ACM SIGGRAPH, July (2003).

  • Z. Deng, J.P.Lewis, and U. Neumann, Practical Eye Movement Model using Texture Synthesis, SIGGRAPH 2003 Sketches and Applications, San Diego, CA: ACM SIGGRAPH, July (2003).

  • R.Enciso, J.Mah, J.P.Lewis, U.Neumann, "3D Tooth Shape from Radiographs Using Thin-Plate Splines" (poster) 11th annual "Medicine Meets Virtual Reality" conference 2003, IOS Press

  • Lifting Detail from Darkness Siggraph 2001 Tech Sketch slides

  • Decomposing Animation into Blendshapes, Siggraph 2001 Tech Sketch

  • "R&D into Production: The Dark Side", Siggraph 2001 course (R&D into Production).


Course Notes
  • credits on Forrest Gump, Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions, Avatar, Planet of the Apes trilogy
  • Film restoration credit on The Little Mermaid 2006 rerelease
  • Vision programmer, Disney Human Face project
  • Co-founder ACM Digipro conference
JP Lewis
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