- Ma, Lewis, Kleijn
TrailBlazer: Trajectory Control for Diffusion-Based Video Generation, SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.
project page + videos,
author copy
- Ma et al,
Directed Diffusion : Direct Control of Object Placement through Attention Guidance,
AAAI 2024
(preprint with included supplementary)
- Elcott, Lewis, Kanazawa, Bregler,
Training-Free Neural Matte Extraction for Visual Effects,
SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Technical Communications.
slightly expanded arxiv version
- Tan et al.,
NewsStories: Illustrating Articles with Visual Summaries,
ECCV 2022.
- Ma, Lewis, Kleijn,
The HSIC Bottleneck: Deep Learning without Back-Propagation,
AAAI 2020
conference link,
- Deng, Lewis, Jeruzalski, Pons-Moll, Hinton, Norouzi, Tagliasacchi,
NASA: Neural Articulated Shape Approximation,
ECCV 2020
ECCV conference link,
- Lahiri et al,
LipSync3D: Data-Efficient Learning of Personalized 3D Talking Faces from Video using Pose and Lighting Normalization
CVPR 2021.
blog post
- Binh Le, Lewis,
Direct Delta Mush Skinning and Variants, ACM TOG/SIGGRAPH 2019
- Angles et al,
VIPER: Volume Invariant Position-based Elastic Rods
SCA 2019
two minute papers)
- Binh Le, Halen, Gonzalez-Ochoa, Lewis,
High-Quality ObjectSpace Dynamic Ambient Occlusion for Characters using Bi-level Regression
I3D 2019
- Roberts, Lewis et al.,
Optimal and Interactive Keyframe Selection for Motion Capture
Computational Visual Media (journal version of Roberts et al. 2018)
maya source from R.Roberts
- Lamarre, Lewis, Danvoye,
Face Stabilization by Mode Pursuit for Avatar Construction in the Universe,
Image Vision Computing 2018 (best presentation award)
- Dean, Lewis, Chalmers,
A Magic Wand for Motion Capture Editing and Edit Propagation,
SIGGRAPH Asia technical communications 2018
- Roberts, Lewis, Anjyo, Seo, Seol,
Optimal and Interactive Keyframe Selection for Motion Capture, SIGGRAPH Asia technical communications 2018
- Campbell, Lewis, Seol,
Sequence Alignment with the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion,
CVMP 2018
- Balduzzi et al.,
The Shattered Gradients Problem: If resnets are the answer, then what is the question?
ICML 2017 (also best paper award ICML padl :)
- Cetinaslan, Lewis, Orvalho,
Transposition Based Blendshape Direct Manipulation,
GRAPP 2017 (Best paper award).
- Blanco i Ribera, Zell, Lewis, Noh, Botsch,
Facial Retargeting with Automatic Range of Motion Alignment,
SIGGRAPH/ACM Transaction on Graphics 2017.
- Song, Blanco i Ribero et al.,
Sparse Rig Parameter Optimization for Character Animation"
EUROGRAPHICS 2017 and Computer Graphics Forum
- Ma, Ghifary, Lewis, Choi, Eom,
FDLS: A Deep Learning Approach to Production Quality, Controllable, and Retargetable Facial Performances,
ACM Digital Production Symposium 2022.
author copy,
- Choi, Blanco i Ribera, Lewis, Seol, Hong, Eom, Jung, Noh,
SketchiMo: sketch-based motion editing for articulated characters,
SIGGRAPH/ACM Transaction on Graphics 2016
- Seol, Ma, Lewis,
Creating an Actor-specific Facial Rig from Performance Capture,
ACM Digipro 2016.
- Migalska, Lewis,
An Information Theoretic Approach to Reflectional Symmetry Detection, IVCNZ 2015.
- Lewis, Realism and Texture: Benchmark Problems for Natural Computation,
Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation (UCNC) 2015.
Lewis et al.,
Practice and Theory of Blendshape Facial Models,
Eurographics 2014 STAR course notes
Lewis, Anjyo, Rhee,
Superresolution from Principal Component Models by RKHS Sampling,
Proceedings of the Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis Symposium (MEIS 2014).
Lewis, Anjyo, Mo, Rhee,
Probable and Improbable Faces,
Proceedings of the Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis Symposium (MEIS 2013).
Chalmers, Lewis, Hillman, Tait, Rhee,
Sky Browser: Search for HDR Sky Maps,
Pacific Graphics 2014
Roberts, Jones, Lewis,
Synthesis of Incidental Detail Using Higher Order Functions and Free Monads, IVCNZ 2013
Yeongho Seol, Jaewoo Seo, Paul Hyunjin Kim, J.P. Lewis, Junyong Noh,
Weighted Pose Space Editing for Facial Animation
Visual Computer, 2012.
Conference version:
Seol, Seo, Kim, Lewis, Noh,
Pose Space Editing of Blendshape Based Facial Animation,
CGI 2011
Seol, Lewis, Seo, Noh,
Spacetime Expression Cloning for Blendshapes,
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31, 2, 2012
Calude, Lewis,
Is there a Universal Image Generator?,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol 218, #16, 2012.
Ma, Barbati, Lewis,
A Facial Composite Editor for Blendshape Characters,
ACM Digital Production Symposium 2012, 21-26
- Baker, Scharstein, Lewis, Roth, Black, Szeliski,
A Database and Evaluation Methodology for Optical Flow,
International Journal of Computer Vision, 92, 1, 2011
(project page)
Jaewoo Seo, Geoffrey Irving, J.P. Lewis, Junyong Noh,
Compression and Direct Manipulation of Complex Blendshape Models
ACM Transaction On Graphics, vol 30, #6, 2011
(also ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA, 2011).
Yeongho Seol, Jaewoo Seo, Paul Hyunjin Kim, J.P. Lewis, Junyong Noh,
Artist Friendly Facial Animation Retargeting
ACM Transaction On Graphics, vol 30, #6, 2011
(also ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA, 2011).
Lewis, Sylwan,
Edge-Aware Inpainting using Oriented (Bi)Harmonic Interpolation,
CGI 2011
Anjyo, Lewis,
RBF Interpolation and Gaussian Process Regression through an RKHS Formulation,
JMI Volume 3 2011.
Rhee, Lewis, Neumann,
Scan-Based Volume Animation Driven by Locally Adaptive Articulated Registrations,
IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, March 2011
(project page)
Lewis, Anjyo
Direct Manipulation Blendshapes,
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 30(4)
Special Issue: Digital Human Faces
(project page)
A. Lagae, S. Lefebvre, R. Cook, T. DeRose, G. Drettakis, D.S. Ebert, J.P. Lewis, K. Perlin, M. Zwicker,
A Survey of Procedural Noise Functions,
Computer Graphics Forum 29, 8, 2010;
Eurographics 2010 State of the Art Report: Procedural Noise Functions
(local copy)
Sips, Neubert, Lewis, Hanrahan,
Selecting Good Views of High-Dimensional Data using Class Consistency,
Computer Graphics Forum Vol. 28 #3
(Special issue: Eurovis 2009)
Sun, Roth, Lewis, Black,
Learning Optical Flow,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5304 2008
West, Lewis, Margolis, Schulze, Gossmann, Tenedorio, Singh,
Algorithmic Object As Natural Specimen: Meta Shape Grammar Objects From Atlas In Silico,
Lewis, Mostafavi, West, Sosinsky, Martone,
Shape Priors by Kernel Density Modeling of PCA Residual Structure
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2007
Mapping the Mental Space of Game Genres,
ACM SIGGRAPH Symp. Video Games 2007
Rhee, Lewis, Neumann, Nayak,
Soft-tissue Deformation for In Vivo Volume Animation,
Pacific Graphics 07
A Region-of-Influence Measure for Automatic Skinning,
Baker, Scharstein, Lewis, Roth, Black, Szeleski,
A Database and Evaluation Methodology for Optical Flow., ICCV 07.
Lewis, Mooser, Deng, Neumann,
A User Interface Technique for Controlling Blendshape Interference,
in Data-Driven 3D Animation, Springer, 2007.
Deng, Lewis, Neumann
Realistic Eye Motion Synthesis by Texture Synthesis,
in Data-Driven 3D Animation, Springer, 2007.
T. Rhee, J.P. Lewis, U. Neumann,
"Real-Time Weighted Pose-Space Deformation on the GPU",
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol 25, No 3, (Eurographics 2006).
Xiao Xian, Lewis, Soon, Fong, Feng,
A Powell Optimization Approach for Example-Based
Skinning in a Production Animation Environment,
Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2006)
Rhee, Neumann, Lewis,
Human Hand Modeling from Surface Anatomy (preprint),
Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2006 (I3D),
Redwood City, CA, March 2006
Lewis, Fong, XueXian, Soon, Feng,
More Optimal Strokes for NPR Sketching,
ACM Graphite 2005.
Lewis, Mooser, Deng, Neumann,
Reducing Blendshape Interference by Selected Motion Attenuation,
ACM I3D 2005.
(project page)
Deng, Lewis, Neumann,
Automated Eye Motion Using Texture Synthesis,
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, March/April 2005.
Mo, Lewis, Neumann,
SmartCanvas: A Gesture-Driven Intelligent Drawing Desk System,
Proc. of International Conference on Intelligent User Interface (IUI) 2005
West, Burke, Kerfeld, Mendelowitz, Holton, Lewis, Drucker, Yan, Both and Neither: in silico v1.0, Ecce Homology. Leonardo, 38 (4) 2005
Lewis, Rosenholtz, Fong, Neumann,
VisualIDs: Automatic Distinctive Icons for Desktop Interfaces,
Mo, Lewis, Neumann,
Face Inpainting with Local Linear Representations,
BMVC 2004.
Lewis, Hwang, Neumann, Enciso,
Smart point landmark distribution for thin-plate splines,
SPIE Medical Imaging 2004.
Large Limits to Software Estimation,
ACM Software Engineering Notes 26, No. 4, July 2001, p. 54-59
Lewis, Cordner, Fong,
Pose Space Deformation: A Unified Approach to Shape Interpolation and Skeleton-Driven Deformation,
Siggraph 2000.
"Fast Template Matching",
Vision Interface 1995
(expanded/corrected version).
Lewis, Ott, Cox,
VideoConferencing System using a Virtual Camera Image.
U.S. Patent No. 5,359,362 (1994);
Ott, Lewis and Cox,
Teleconferencing Eye Contact Using a Virtual Camera",
Interchi'93 Proceedings, 109-110, Amsterdam, (1993).
Automated Lip-Sync: Background and Techniques,
J. Visualization and Computer Animation, 2, 1991
Video from initial version that did not include smoothing spline: (video.ogg)
(video.mp4 - OPEN WITH VLC does not play in browser)
Probing the Critic: Approaches to Connectionist Pattern Synthesis.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 91, Seattle.
Creation by Refinement and the Problem of Algorithmic Music Composition,
in Music and Connectionism, P.Todd, ed., MIT Press, 1991.
Apparatus and Method for Lip-Synching Animation
U.S. Patent No. 4,913,539, Apr.3,90.
Algorithms for Solid Noise Synthesis, Siggraph 89.
html preview)
Creation by Refinement: A Creativity Paradigm for Gradient Descent Learning Networks.
International Conference on Neural Networks 88.
Short Papers and Abstracts
- Roberts et al.,
Piku Piku Interpolation:
An artist-guided sampling algorithm for synthesizing detail applied to facial animation
SIGGRAPH Asia '19 (short paper)
- Nghiem et al.,
Saliency Diagrams: A tool for analyzing animation through the relative importance of keyposes
SIGGRAPH Asia '19 (short paper)
- Ma, Lewis, Frean, Balduzzi
Back To RGB: Deep Articulated Hand Pose Estimation From a Single Camera Image
Image Vision Computing
- Dean, Lewis,
Non-local Pose Means for Denoising Motion Capture Data,
Image Vision Computing
- Patrikeev, Lewis,
Texture-aware Edit Propagation using Nonparametric Regression,
Image Vision Computing 2015.
- Cetinaslan, Orvalho, Lewis,
Sketch-Based Controllers for Blendshape Facial Animation,
Eurographics} 2015.
Calude, Coull, Lewis,
Can We Solve the Pipeline Problem? ACM Digipro 2014
Seol, Lewis, Tuning Facial Animation in a Mocap Pipeline,
Seo, Lewis, Developing Interactive Facial Rigs in Production Environment,
Anjyo, Todo, Lewis,
A Practical Approach to Direct Manipulation Blendshapes,
Journal of Graphics Tools 16, 3, 2012
- Lewis, Dragosavac,
Stable and Efficient Differential IK,
- G. Stanley, M. J. Black, J.P. Lewis, G. Desbordes, J. Jin, J.-M. Alonso,
Population coding of ground truth motion in natural scenes in the early visual system,
COSYNE, 2009.
- Lewis, Anjyo,
Identifying Salient Points, SIGGRAPH Asia 2009.
- Lewis, Anjyo,
Extracting Higher-Level Information From Facial Mocap,
Rhee, Lewis, Neumann, Nayak,
Creating an Animatable 3D Volume Hand Model
from In Vivo MRI, MMVR16 2008.
- West, Margolis, Mostafavi, Lewis, Gossmann, Hackbarth, Horn, Fernald, Schulze, Li, Henthorn, Yamada, Singh, Chheng, Cassey, Lien, ATLAS in silico, ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Art Gallery, (Invited exhibition / Interactive installation)
- Lewis, Fox, Deng,
A Methodology for Mapping the Mental Space of Game Genres,
ACM Sandbox Video Game Symposium 2006.
West, Burke, Mendelowitz, Lewis, Kerfeld,
ACTG to Calligraphy: Genetic Visualization for Ecce Homology,
Infovis 06 poster.
Z. Mo, J.P.Lewis, and U. Neumann,
Improved Automatic Caricature by Feature Normalization and Exaggeration,
SIGGRAPH 2004 Sketches and Applications.
- West, Burke, Kerfeld, Mendelowitz, Holton, Lewis, Drucker, Yan,
Ecce Homology, Siggraph 2004 Design Sketch.
Realistic Human Face Rendering for "The Matrix Reloaded",
George Borshukov and J.P.Lewis,
SIGGRAPH-2003 Sketches and Applications Program,
San Diego, CA: ACM SIGGRAPH, July (2003).
Universal Capture - Image-based Facial Animation for "The Matrix Reloaded",
George Borshukov, Dan Piponi, Oystein Larsen, J.P.Lewis, Christina Tempelaar-Lietz,
SIGGRAPH-2003 Sketches and Applications Program,
San Diego, CA: ACM SIGGRAPH, July (2003).
Z. Deng, J.P.Lewis, and U. Neumann,
Practical Eye Movement Model using Texture Synthesis,
SIGGRAPH 2003 Sketches and Applications,
San Diego, CA: ACM SIGGRAPH, July (2003).
R.Enciso, J.Mah, J.P.Lewis, U.Neumann,
"3D Tooth Shape from Radiographs Using Thin-Plate Splines" (poster)
11th annual "Medicine Meets Virtual Reality" conference 2003,
IOS Press
Lifting Detail from Darkness
Siggraph 2001 Tech Sketch
Decomposing Animation into Blendshapes,
Siggraph 2001 Tech Sketch
"R&D into Production: The Dark Side",
Siggraph 2001 course (R&D into Production).
Course Notes
- credits on Forrest Gump, Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions, Avatar, Planet of the Apes trilogy
- Film restoration credit on The Little Mermaid 2006 rerelease
- Vision programmer, Disney Human Face project
- Co-founder ACM Digipro conference
JP Lewis