The best reported dense flow score in the Barrons survey (mid 90s) was for a modified Horn-Schunck. A more competitive result is that from M.Black's code: with sky avgerr=8.6,
The sky in the Yosemite frames is an evolving layered Perlin-noise thing without a clear ground truth. The first version of the ground truth file gave it a velocity of 1,0; a later version gave it velocity 2,0. Most benchmarks report the score excluding the sky (omit all vectors 2,0 or 1,0, use the -gmask in FlowCalcError), others include the sky -- be aware of this when comparing scores. script to run the benchmark. This can be modified to run on other sequences, however: NOTE that pyramid code is disabled, so images with large translation or higher-than-video resolution will not work. Also the parameters are tuned for this benchmark; the flow calculated for non-synthetic images may be smoother than desirable. yos.jar zip file containing y.0002.ppm-y.0014.ppm These are the input frames, 316x252, black&white yos_newcorrect.9.Gflow Ground truth flow file for frame 9. In this file the sky has velocity 2,0; in earlier versions of this file the sky had velocity 1,0. (See "The Sky" below). This file is the same as new_correct_yos.Z (unix compressed) from (anonymous ftp) /pub/vision/TESTDATA/CORRECT_FLOWS/new_correct_yos.Z source for the Barrons/Beauchemin error calculation gr.jar,gnu.jar,zlib.jar libraries needed to compile FlowCalcError. jnl.jar library needed by FlowPatch library code that converts between the flow format written by FlowPatch and the benchmark format.