Large Limits to Software Estimation
J. P. Lewis
Disney TSL
3100 Thornton Ave.,
Burbank CA 91506 USA
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Algorithmic (KCS) complexity results can be interpreted
as indicating some limits to software estimation.
While these limits are abstract they nevertheless
contradict enthusiastic claims occasionally made by
commercial software estimation advocates.
Specifically, if it is accepted that algorithmic complexity
is an appropriate definition of the complexity of
a programming project,
then claims of purely objective estimation of project complexity,
development time, and programmer productivity are necessarily incorrect.
Estimation and metrics, project management, risks, ethical issues.
Among the important practical problems in software engineering is
software estimation --
the estimation of development schedules and the assessment of
productivity and quality.
Is it possible to apply mathematical and scientific principles
to software estimation, so that development schedules, productivity, and quality
might be objectively ascertained or estimated
rather than being a matter of opinion?
The debate over this question is familiar.
In the case of development schedules, for example,
many programmers find it self evident that accurate and objective
estimates are not possible.
One reader of an early version of this paper commented,
``Software practitioners know about poor predictability from empirical
evidence. I don't need to prove it...''
On the other hand, there are a large number of design methods,
development processes, and programming methodologies that
claim or hint at objective estimation of development schedules,
project complexity, and programmer productivity.
For example, a handbook of software quality assurance describes the benefits of
a quality management process [16]:
``In the Certainty state [of quality management],
the objective of software development and software quality management,
producing quality software on time with a set cost everytime,
is possible.''
A software process manifesto states [14]
``[In a mature organization] There is an objective quantitative basis
for judging product quality and analyzing problems with the product
and process. Schedules and budgets are based on historical
performance and are realistic''
Similarly, a book promoting a software estimation package [15]
states that
`` estimating can be a science, not just an art.
It really is possible to accurately and consistently estimate costs
and schedules for a wide range of projects,'' etc.
The answer to our question (`can software be objectively estimated?') has
both practical and ethical implications.
Newspaper headlines frequently describe the cancellation of
costly software projects that are behind schedule and over budget.
With computer programs now widely deployed in socially critical roles
it is recognized that software professionals have a responsibility to make
accurate and truthful characterizations of prospective software sytems.
Given the existence of the various software methodologies and processes
alluded to above, it would be easy to conclude that the problem
is merely that these methods are not being practiced.
On the other hand, considering the wide variety of competing methodologies
and the well considered critiques of some of these
methodologies [1,2,3,4,8],
one may be tempted to adopt an outside perspective and ask
whether all of the stated goals of these methodologies
are possible even in principle.
In this paper we will look at software estimation from
the point of view of algorithmic or KCS (Kolmogorov-Chaitin-Solomonoff)
Section two introduces the notion of algorithmic complexity.
In sections three and four we will find that algorithmic complexity
results can be directly interpreted as indicating
that software complexity, development schedules, and productivity
cannot be objectively and feasibly estimated and so will remain
a matter of opinion.
Section five considers approximate and statistical estimators.
The situation here is more optimistic, but we give reasons
for maintaining a scepticism towards overly optimistic claims
of estimation accuracy.
Although these are negative results, we will argue in concluding
that the software industry can benefit from
acknowledging and publicizing the inherent
limitations and risks of software development.
Algorithmic complexity (AC)
defines the complexity of a digital object to be
the length of the shortest computer program that produces that object.
This definition formalizes an intuitive notion of complexity.
Consider the three patterns:
These strings may be of the same length but the first
two strings appear to be simpler than the third.
This subjective ranking
is reflected in the length of the programs needed to produce
these strings. For the first string the program is
a few bytes in length,
for i:=1 to n print('1');
The program for the second string is slightly longer
since it will contain either nested loops or the literal '123'.
If there is no obvious pattern to the third string,
the shortest program to produce it is the program that
includes the whole string as literal data and prints it --
the string is incompressible
or algorithmically random.
Ideally the complexity of an object should be a property
only of the object itself, but
the choice of computer and programming language
affects program lengths.
Algorithmic complexity handles this issue by considering
the complexity to be well defined only for large objects.
The choice of an inelegant language or machine adds
only a constant amount to the algorithmic complexity,
since a translator or simulator from any language or machine to any
other is a fixed-size program.
In the limit of large objects this fixed size becomes insignificant.
There are several major variants of AC
(endmarker complexity, prefix complexity,
Chaitin's prefix variant in which conditional complexity
is conditioned on a shortest program rather than on an uncompressed string),
but they are asymptotically similar. The AC of a string will be denoted when our purpose
does not distinguish these variants; we will switch to the notation
(prefix complexity) for the discussion of approximate bounds.
The flavor of algorithmic complexity reasoning will be
shown with the following theorem (it will also be used
later in the paper):
Chaitin Incompleteness theorem.
A formal theory with bits of axioms cannot
prove statements of the form ` ' if is much greater than .
The proof is by contradiction.
One makes the reasonable assumption that if a statement
can be proved then it should be possible to extract
from the proof the particular that is used.
Then by appending this extraction to the proof sequence (of ) one can generate the
string using approximately bits.
But the proof has shown that the AC of is
resulting in contradiction.
The proof is illuminated by recasting the formal system
in computational form.
A formal system consists of a set of symbols;
a grammar for combining the symbols into statements;
a set of axioms, or statements that are accepted without proof;
and rules of inference for deriving new statements (theorems).
A proof is a listing of the sequence of inferences that derive a theorem.
It is required that a proof be formally (i.e. mechanically) verifiable.
Thus, there is a correspondence [18] between a formal system and
a computational system whereby a proof is
essentially a string processing
"\begin{eqnarray*}
\mbox{axioms} & \Longleftrightarrow & \mbox{program input or i...
...\mbox{derivation} & \Longleftrightarrow & \mbox{computation} \\
Consider a program that will successively enumerate all possible
proofs in length order until it finds a proof
of the form , which it will then output.
The program and computer will need to encode the axioms and rules of
inference, which are bits by assumption.
The program will also need to encode the constant .
Say that the size of the search program
including the encoded is .
Append a second algorithmically simple program
that extracts and prints the from the proof found in the search.
Let be the AC of the second program, plus, if necessary, the AC
of some scheme for delimiting and sequentially running the two programs.
We now have a compound program of AC .
It is possible to choose a , such as
that is much larger than but whose AC is small.
If is picked as
then either we have a program of that generates a string
that is proved to have
(such a proof is then wrong, so the formal system is unsound)
or the program cannot prove statements of the form .
Since the details of the formal system were not specified,
it is concluded that no formal system can prove that strings
are much more complicated than the axioms of the system itself.
A formal process is a specified
and repeatable process that can be followed by
independent agents (computer or human)
to arrive at a common conclusion.
We assume the Church-Turing thesis,
that any such process is essentially an algorithm
even if the process is in fact followed by humans rather than a computer.
An objective estimate is an estimate obtained via a formal process.
A feasible process is one that can be completed with
conceivably realizable time and other resources.
Exponential time algorithms, such as searching over the
space of programs for one satisfying some objective,
are clearly infeasible. For example, searching all possible
program texts up to 100 bytes in length would require
considering some fraction of possible texts
- assuming a processor capable
of examining a billion ( ) texts per second this task
would still require a number of centuries (far) larger
than can easily be described by common words denoting
large numbers (`billion', etc.).
Additional background on computability and KCS complexity
is found in textbooks [17,10].
Various software design methods and processes address
the issue of predicting development times.
Software cost models estimate development time as a function
of a size measure such as source line counts or function points.
Software process literature and commercial software management
tools have suggested that cost models can be combined
with historical data on development times
to predict the development times of future projects.
In an extensive empirical study
Kemerer benchmarked four software cost estimation algorithms
on data gathered from 15 large projects for which
accurate records were available.
It was found that these models had only limited predictive ability
in ex post facto estimation of the development times for completed projects
-- the selected error measure
(magnitude of error normalized by the actual development time)
ranged from 85 percent to more than 700 percent [9].
Kemerer indicates that the limited accuracy of these models
may be accounted for by variations in problem domain
and other factors, and suggests that the models may be tuned
to be more accurate.
The limited accuracy of these cost models is not
the fundamental obstacle to software estimation however.
since cost models are a function of a size or complexity measure,
the issue is how to estimate the size or complexity of a new project.
Consider the following scenario:
A software company wishes to improve the predictability of its software
process, so it decides to gather statistical data on development times.
As part of this effort each programmer is assigned
a timed series of exercises.
It is found that the average programmer at the company can
complete each exercise in an average of 3.7 hours.
Now the company is asked to bid on the development
of an operating system for a major company
that is years behind schedule on their own
operating system development project.
Based on the newly gathered statistics, the company estimates
that it can deliver the new operating system in about 3.7
hours using one average programmer.
This absurd example is intended to
clearly illustrate that estimates of development
time depend on estimates of the size or complexity of a new program,
and historical statistics cannot provide the latter.
In the preceding example the complexity of the proposed operating
system is presumably much greater than the complexity of the programming
exercises, but the data do not say anything about the
relative difference in complexity.
Can complexity itself be formally and feasibly
determined or estimated a priori?
Claim 1:
Program size and complexity cannot be feasibly estimated a priori.
Algorithmic complexity shows
that the minimal program size for a desired task
cannot be feasibly computed, and a trivial upper bound on program size exists but is not useful.
Before discussing these results further we need to
relate algorithmic complexity to real-world programs.
Recall that algorithmic complexity is defined as the minimum
program size needed to produce a desired output string.
The complexity of a program that produces a fixed output
will be defined as the AC of that output.
Since this definition deals with output only we will
briefly indicate how arguments, state, and interactivity might be accommodated:
- interactivity:
An interactive program can be considered as a collection of
subprograms that are called in sequence according to user commands.
These subprograms will share subroutines and a global state.
Ignoring arguments and state for the moment,
the AC of the program is the AC of the combined subprograms,
plus the AC of a small event loop that calls the subprograms
based on user input.2
- arguments:
The AC of a function that depends on arguments can
be defined as the AC of a large table containing
the argument-value pairs interleaved in some fashion,
plus the AC of some scheme for delimiting the argument-value pairs,
plus the AC of a small program that retrieves an output
given the corresponding input.
The size of this uncompressed tabular representation
will be called tabular size.
- state:
State can be considered as an implicit argument to
any routines whose behavior is affected.
These comments are only a rough sketch at formulating
the AC of real-world programs,
but the fidelity of this
formulation is not crucial to our argument:
if the complexity of an output-only program cannot be objectively determined,
the addition of arguments, state, and interactivity will not simplify things.
The following central results of algorithmic complexity show
that complexity is not feasibly computable.
- KCS noncomputability theorem: there is no algorithm for computing the AC of an arbitrary string.
Denote a shortest program for producing a particular object
as :
is not recursive (computable).
Rephrasing this for our purposes, there is no algorithm for finding the shortest program
with a desired behavior.
- A trivial upper bound on program size (tabular size) can be defined but is not feasible.
A trivial upper bound on program size is easy to define --
it is simply size of the output string or argument table describing
the program's behavior, as sketched above.
This `tabular size' bound is not feasible however.
Consider a simple function
that accepts two 32-bit integer
arguments and produces an integer result.
This function can be represented as an integer-valued table
While small data types such as characters are sometimes processed
in a tabular fashion,
this example makes it clear that tabular specification
becomes infeasible even for small functions involving several integers.
- An asymptotic upper bound to AC can be computed, but not feasibly.
One can write a search program that enumerates all
programs smaller than the tabular size
in lexicographic order,
looking for the shortest one with the desired behavior.
Since many programs will loop the search program must
interleave the enumeration and execution of the programs.
That is, it runs each program constructed so far for a certain
number of time steps, collects results on programs that finish
during this time, and then it constructs the next program
and begins running it along with previously constructed programs that are
still active.
The search program will asymptotically identify smaller programs
with the desired behavior
but there is no way to know if a long-running program is looping
or if it will finish and prove to be a still smaller
representation of the desired function.
This approach is infeasible, in part because
the number of programs to be checked is exponential in the tabular size.
The preceding comments indicate that there is no
way to objectively define
the algorithmic complexity of a program.
The minimal program size cannot be feasibly computed,
and the trivial upper bound
vastly overestimates the size of a realistic program.
In fact, the ratio between the tabular size and the (uncomputable) AC,
considered as a function of the tabular size,
is known to grow as fast as any computable function.
Claim 2:
Development time cannot be objectively predicted.
Since it is clear that development time estimates must
consider program size or complexity among other factors,
this claim is a direct consequence of the fact that
program size cannot be objectively predicted.
There is some limit on the speed at which a programmer can
write code, so
any development time estimate that is supposed to be independent
of program size will be wrong if the program turns out to be larger
than can be constructed during the estimated time period.
These comments apply to programming problems in general.
Is it possible to do better in particular cases?
For example, suppose a company has developed a particular program.
If it is asked to write the same program again, it now has
an objective estimate of the program size and development time.
In practice this is a common scenario, since it is often
necessary to recode legacy software for a different language or platform.
But is there a middle ground between having no objective estimate
and an estimate based on an identical completed project?
Clearly the parts of a project that are similar to previous projects
will be estimated more accurately.
The remaining parts, even if they are small, can be problematic.
We can guess how long the coding will take, but since
the necessary coding time for a even small function may range from
a few hours to perhaps years (if the routine is equivalent
to an as yet unsolved mathematical problem,
c.f. the formal system
equivalence described in section two), there is no way to
objectively know in advance how long the development will take.
Most experienced programmers have encountered projects
where an apparently trivial subproblem turns out to be more
difficult than the major anticipated problems.
A wide variety of programming disciplines and processes
have been proposed in the past several decades.
Many of these proposals are justified by way of claims
that programming productivity is increased.
On the other hand, recent studies have shown that
programmers average only a few delivered lines of code per day.
Have structured programming, object-oriented programming,
CASE, 4GLs, object-oriented design, design patterns, or other
trends resulted in greater productivity,
and if so, is there any way of objectively determining
which of these techniques result in the greatest productivity gains?
Claim 3:
Absolute productivity cannot be objectively determined.
Consider a statement that lines of source code
were developed in time, with higher than
measured on other projects.
This suggests that higher productivity has been achieved.
But productivity is relevantly defined as the speed of
solving the problem,
not the speed of developing lines of code.
If the is significantly higher than it needs to be
for the particular problem
then a high ratio may actually represent low productivity.
This is not merely a theoretical possibility:
DeMarco and Lister's programming benchmarks
empirically showed a 10-to-1 size range among programs written
in the same language to the same
specification [7].
We conclude that
since there is no feasible way to determine program complexity,
productivity cannot be compared across projects.
This position has been arrived at previously using less
formal arguments --
it is commonly noted that measures such as lines of code and function points
may not reflect domain and problem specific variations in complexity.
The relative effectiveness of various software engineering methods
can be determined
by way of a comparative experiment
in which a fixed problem is solved by programming teams using
different methods.
Since it is believed that that the effects of programmer variability are
much stronger than those due to development methods
(10-to-1 differences in productivity across programmers working
on the same problem have been found [11])
a large experiment might be necessary to achieve valid results.
Though we have argued that absolute algorithmic complexity
cannot be estimated, there remains the possibility of a
approximate or statistical estimator , say of the form
for some bound ; for practical purposes this would be quite useful.
The situation in regards to such an estimator is not so clear cut,
but the following discussion may suggest maintaining a scepticism
towards claims of strong estimation accuracy, even of an approximate sort.
The Chaitin incompleteness theorem (section two) is relevant. Rephrased, it says that an approximate
estimator program cannot produce a lower bound on the
complexity of programs much larger than its own size.
We will now show that an approximate estimator
of the form indicated above
also cannot bound complexity to within a fixed range.
(We switch to the notation indicating the
prefix complexity.)
Consider the supposed estimator as identifying a set
of programs of complexity
that contains the
given program . The complexity of the program can now
be expressed using a two-part description,
the first part that of identifying the set ; the second
part that of identifying the particular program given .
Apply the triangle inequality
to the two-part description:
given the set, the size of a program to identify the given member
is at most the size of a program that indexes into the set.
(complexity of complexity is not computable)
this means that
, i.e.,
Claim 4:
There is no estimator which produces a correct fixed bound
on the complexity of all inputs.
There are weaker alternatives which are still open to consideration,
e.g. a suite of programs each of which is only required to
bound the complexity of some subset of inputs, etc.
Also the constants are unknown and so it is possible
that an estimator could accurately bound the complexity of inputs
up to some useful threshold complexity.
The preceding discussion does suggest, however, that
any claim of producing an accurate approximation to AC
should be examined carefully.
More generally, statistical estimation of complexity has
an intrinsic problem that does not arise with common applications
of statistics such as estimating a population mean.
The problem is that the ground truth is unknown and unknowable,
so it is not possible to determine the bias and variance of different
estimators. As such, independent and disagreeing observers are
not immediately lead to a common conclusion because they
can adopt differing estimators to support their opinions.
This issue resembles the problem of defining and measuring
psychological characteristics such as intelligence.
While there is no absolute and objective measure of intelligence,
`intelligence' can be somewhat circularly
defined as the ability measured by an intelligence test.
The merits of particular intelligence tests are then
debated by considering their correlation with
measurable things (such as school grades) that
are considered to be related to intelligence.
Similarly, there is no feasible objective measure of complexity,
but `complexity' can be
defined as the property measured by a proposed code metric.
The particular estimate must then be justified;
this can be done by demonstrating a correlation
between the estimate and an expected correlate
of complexity such as measured development time.
We conclude that
approximate estimators should be selected based on empirical demonstrations
of utility.
We have argued that program complexity
(and hence productivity) cannot be objectively identified.
Our conclusions will seem obvious to many,
and have been arrived at previously using informal arguments.
The algorithmic complexity perspective formalizes,
strengthens and simplifies these arguments.
Our arguments rest on the consideration of algorithmic complexity
as an appropriate definition of the complexity of programs.
AC is a precise and developed notion of complexity
and it has been applied in a variety of fields. The application of AC
to the complexity of programs seems evident. For example, AC addresses the
well known problems of code metrics - that they may not reflect the
actual complexity of the code, for reasons such as
coding style, choice of language, or other reasons.
The selection of an appropriate definition of complexity
is ultimately a point of philosophy, however, since it
is establishing a correspondence between an intuitive notion and a
formal one.
We do not claim that AC is the only complexity suitable
for classifying programs, but it is intuitively appealing
and supports precise reasoning about related issues.
Some of the implications of our perspective on
the software engineering debate will now be discussed.
The answer to this question has important implications.
If software estimation is believed to be a codifiable engineering
process analogous to house building then litigation is
a reasonable and expected consequence of inaccurate estimations.
This and similar issues currently divide the software engineering community into two camps --
a ``process'' camp, who believe that quality software
can be developed on time
if a particular software process or programming technology is used,
and a ``problem solving'' camp, who believe that programming
is fundamentally a process of solving problems and as such
intrinsically resists codification. The problem solving viewpoint is represented in the software engineering
literature by Bollinger [5], who writes
``The creation of genuinely new software has far more in common
with developing a new theory of physics than it does with producing
cars or watches on an assembly line.''
Bollinger further argues that the process viewpoint is not just
incorrect but possibly dangerous, since it focuses attention
on codified procedures and
away from the unknown and potentially risky issues in development.
Our conclusion supports the problem solving viewpoint
at least in so far as the opposing (process) viewpoint
rests on hopes of objective estimation of software complexity.
Though our conclusions may be considered a `negative result',
we agree with authors [6] who warn
that exaggerated claims and overly optimistic estimates
are harming the credibility of the
software industry and inviting
litigation and possible regulation.
Credibility will not be achieved by continuing to promise
that software predictability is
just around the corner.
Instead, the software industry should attend to
the intrinsic uncertainties and risks of software development
and where necessary promote the public discussion and
honest assessment of these risks.
- 1
D. E. Avison, H. U. Shah, and D. N. Wilson,
``Software Quality Standards in Practice:
The Limitations of Using ISO-9001 to Support Software Development,''
Software Quality Journal 3, p. 105-111, 1994.
- 2
J. Bach, ``The Immaturity of the CMM,''
American Programmer,
Sept. 1994.
- 3
J. Bach, ``Enough about Process: What We Need are Heros,''
IEEE Software Vol. 12, No. 2, Feb. 1995, pp. 96-98.
- 4
T. Bollinger and C. McGowan, ``A Critical Look at Software Capability Evaluation,''
IEEE Software Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 25-41, 1991.
- 5
T. Bollinger, ``The Interplay of Art and Science in Software,''
IEEE Computer,
Oct. 1997, pp. 128, 125-126.
- 6
R. Charette,
``Are We Developers Liars or just Fools,'' IEEE Computer, July 1995 pp. 90-92.
- 7
T. DeMarco, Why Does Software Cost So Much?
and other Puzzles of the Information Age,
Dorset, New York, 1995.
- 8
M. Fayad and M. Laitinen, ``Process Assessment Considered Wasteful,''
Communications ACM, Vol. 40, No. 11, November 1997, pp. 125-128.
- 9
C. F. Kemerer, ``An Empirical Validation of Software Cost Estimation Models,''
Communications ACM,
Vol. 30, No. 5, May 1987, pp. 416-429.
- 10
M. Li and P. Vitányi,
An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and its Applications,
2nd Ed., Springer, New York, 1997.
- 11
S. McConnell,
Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules,
Microsoft, Redmond, WA, 1996, p. 167.
- 12
P. Naur,
Knowing and the Mystique of Logic and Rules,
Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1995.
- 13
P. Neumann and contributors,
``Risks to the Public'' column,
Software Engineering Notes; also
P. G. Neumann, B. Simons, and others, ``Inside Risks'' column,
Communications ACM.
- 14
M. C. Paulk, B. Curtis, M. B. Chrissis, C. V. Weber,
The Capability Maturity Model for Software Version 1.1,
CMU/SEI-93-TR-24 Feb. 93, p. 19.
- 15
W. H. Roetzheim and R. A. Beasley,
Software Project Cost and Schedule Estimating: Best Practices,
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1995, p. xvii.
- 16
G. G. Schulmeyer,
``Software Quality Lessons from the Quality Experts,''
G. G. Schulmeyer and J. I. McManus, Eds., Handbook of Software Quality Assurance (2nd ed.),
Nelson Canada, 1995. p. 76.
- 17
C. H. Smith,
A Recursive Introduction to the Theory of Computation,
Springer Verlag, New York, 1994.
- 18
K. Svozil, Randomness and Undecidability in Physics,
World Scientific, Singapore, 1993, pp. 30-35.